Thursday, 20 October 2016

Fall Fun!

I should probably have named this pictures galore!
We got to help clean clean the pioneer cemetery

We went to festivals on Sasturdays with Nauvoo on the Road
Harold made lots of ropes and I spun, played the dulcimer, showed people games from the 1840's and taught people how to walk on stilts!
We played stick pull, but he always won!

Fall colors have come, along with deer and raccoons.  This little fellow was across the street in front of our house.  He thought he was hiding from us in the tree...

They pulled the cotton plants at the Lyon Drug and I have started working it up for spinning.  One little piece makes an amazing amount!

We have been given the part of George and Agatha in Rendezvous, the nightly play we are in twice a week.  It goes on 6 nights a week, year round.  Each cast performs two nights a week.  We are starting to feel a little more comfortable in our roles, so that makes it a lot more fun!  Yes, we are a major part of the comedy relief in the performance, in case you can't tell from the pictures.

Favorite picture of this post though is probably Julie Stokes coming and spending two days with me. We got to see the sites, she was able to see us practice for Rendezvous and we got to plant tulips in the flower gardens. So grateful for good friends!  Come see us!!!

Monday, 10 October 2016


So many things we do and experienced!  So it calls for us a list I do believe.
Nauvoo on The Road.  We went and played for a day at a pumpkin festival, well we went and helped with the booth anyway.  Elder Spradlin was doing the rope making, I worked with different games, spinning, weaving and my dulcimer.
Yes he won even one handed!

I have been playing in the gardens before I go on sites.  Right now it is time to take out the summer plants and get ready for planting for next Spring.
I finished the quilt for O!!  I call it caddywampus.  Kind of a fun crazy quilt for a baby!
Played around a lot with the Spinning Wheel.

Then made crazy messes in the kitchen dying the yarn.
 But got some amazing colors from poke berries, black beans, black walnuts and Marigolds
Our friends the Bradshaws came and visited to surprise Harold for his birthday and that was super fun.  Hopefully they send us a picture, because the one we have has our eyes closed.  Morning and Evening walks have us seeing Deer and raccoon. I also collected chestnuts from the chestnut tree and have them stored so they can sweeten.  Picked Persimmons and learned that when they are really ripe they are yummy, when they are not, they make your mouth feel horrible!
Our shifts are changing with the seasons, so sometimes we are in the sites from 10-5,  when there are not a lot of visitors then we spend time doing a variety of projects, for me that means spinning, weaving, quilting,  and of course my dulcimer!  
We are now playing George and Agatha in the Rendezvous performances, so hopefully by next week I can have a few good shots of that. 
 Getting ready for the Halloween festivities.
Sundays we serve in the Mt. Pleasant Branch, it is about an hour away and is a Spanish/English branch.  That makes it a happy day for both of us!