I should probably have pictures of the neat things in the bakery like the sifter or the apple peeler, but since the cookies are one of the important things that we share.... I always tell people when I give them one that for the next couple of minutes I am one of the sweetest people in Nauvoo. Then I tell them I hope they have a sweet day in Nauvoo. Corny but true!! The stairs down into the basement where we have freezers with the cookies are crazy steep.
I have started learning how to spin wool from a sister here and so that is the newest excitement in my life. It is definitely going to take a lot of practice to get it right, but am definitely enjoying the process. Next I plan on learning how to work on the big looms. I figure there are so many skills that we talk about here that I want to absorb everything I can.
The Young Performing Missionaries gave their final presentation Sunday evening and have now left for home. The fall slow down has begun so there will be many changes. Each time of year here in Nauvoo comes with it's own challenges and blessings. About half the missionaries finish and go home here in the next month or two, so that makes for a large change. I am looking forward to learning lots of new things during this part of the year.
We have been asked to play Agatha and George in the Rendezvous performance for our cast and are working diligently on our parts. They are the comedy relief and somewhat over the top. It does mean that I get to climb the pole on the stage which I think is a hoot. Have thought about putting a little bit of a southern twist on my lines...we shall see, first I just need to get them all down. The missionaries that do those parts now finish their missions and leave the first week of September.

Tonight there was a presentation and slide show on MesoAmerica and findings that support the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. Since some of it's focus was GUATEMALA and the Salama valley, we definitely enjoyed it!