Saturday, 6 August 2016

Take his Yoke

What an amazing Week!  I have to be careful with that comment, because I think I might repeat it way too many times.  This week though has had lots of special moments.  Friday morning we had the farewell breakfast for those missionaries going home.  Never seen a place set up so fast for an activity, or cleaned up so fast at the end.  Magical what about 300 missionaries can do together!  The Joseph and Lucy Mack Smith family is having their family reunion this week in Nauvoo and Elder Ballard, of the Quorum of the Twelve is here.  Yesterday afternoon was a special closed meeting for all of the missionaries and we were able to hear him speak.  What a treasure to hear the words of an Apostle of the Lord.  To hear his testimony of Jesus Christ and love of the Gospel.  To top it off, when he finished and they started to take him out the side door, instead he detoured down and came out to shake hands with us as he was leaving.  Elder Spradlin and I both had the opportunity to be with him, listen to his counsel and to shake hands with him.  When I realized that we were going to get too, my eyes just started filling with joy.

Today I worked in the Post Office and Dry Goods store.  Letters were expensive to send at 6 cents for up to 30 miles, and a quarter for up to 400 miles.  They were charged by the page, so you made that paper count for sure!

Take Christ's Yoke  The burden is light, because we become stronger as we become more like Christ.  We will pass through the trials and will become stronger as we leave behind the things in life that would weigh us down.  So much to learn in everything around us! 

We heard Vocal Point perform on Thursday night, then when we were on duty in the Visitor's Center on Friday  they came in to ask if they could warm up in one of the theaters.  Oh yes, excited!  No problem from me letting them use one of the stages, thinking  I would get to peak in and listen.  They were fine with that, but then we kept having visitors come in - something about being a missionary and serving.  

One of the neat parts of working in the homes in the central part of Nauvoo is walking out and hearing the band and getting to watch the Young Performing Missionaries.  Leap Frog Anyone?
This is one of my favorite quotes I have read here.  I think if everyone would apply it - we could change the world.

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